Security ... think about it!
Perhaps to the British Columbia government and VPD, the solution then is to increase “the perception of safety” instead of actually doing something to address the real underlying issues of crime. Installed cameras may not be effective crime fighters as proven across party lines in London, but then again, it is well demonstrated by actions here that it is all too often perception, and perception only, that is the lodestone of public servants. Some citizens no doubt will feel secure knowing the cameras are installed, however misguided that is proven to be. The very citizens whom advocate surveillance should remember that the descent down the slippery slope of Orwellian observed society will not be abated once this concept is embraced, even through inaction. The future of Canadians will hold no line of personal freedom nor will any right to privacy be safe or guaranteed. The proposed action of government monitoring cameras and the intrusion they represent to the population speak directly against our Charter of Rights, its founding principles and the future freedoms of our children.