I should be able to resume posting shortly.

Video: Three Natural Laws of Security is currently unavailable. Seeking new hosting site.


Video included

It looks like the guy that comes walking up at approx 00:48 (the lede says he's an ex-cop) is using the two girls to keep the bouncers from finding his concealed weapon. The backup guy either knows him or has his hackles come up because he has the pat-down guy keep searching him. After the the ex-cop gets through (that's how it looks, anyway) he comes back out to toss the drink he had with him (clubs all over the world won't let you bring your own drinks in with you) and decides to mess with the back-up guy by pulling his gun on him. Unfortunately, the back-up guy was ready for it, directed that gun away from him while drawing his own gun and pap-papping the ex-cop on or about the C-7, dropping him like the proverbial sack of poo. From the video, it doesn't look like the ex-cop really intended to do anything, but the bouncer likely didn't know it ...


If their religious literature is to be believed, the Hindu folks are inherently peaceful right up to the moment they decide to provide you with a whole new definition of the concept of 'total war'. Fortunately, they're also are natural allies ...
Seems like potentially fertile ground ...

Video included

Pretty embarrassing performance on the part of the perps if you asked me ...

More here ...
Interesting ...


Today's the day, EVERY day ...
Very interesting ...


I guess I have time for ...

... this one depressing, but highly informative, link ...

(H/T to MW)

No posting tonight!

It's the Ron Paul Nevada Caucus Kick-off Party at Green Valley Ranch ...


This is interesting ...


If the purpose of the action is to create terror, then the act is terrorism. If the purpose is action is to eliminate a utility and the terror is incidental, than it may just be an expedient methodology. The level of physicist that could legitimately aid in development of a nuke program is always in short supply and difficult to replace which makes them legitimate targets, and who knows how convoluted a plan has to be to be effective in this particular environment. It might be terrorism, but the fact that they're using explosives on these so-called 'civilians' and that there may be collateral casualties, in and of itself, certainly doesn't make the case that it is.


I can't wait to hear this guy's explanation ...




Pics included

Here is an interesting slide-show about the Yek sub fire ...

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/01/08/4171975/home-security-and-surveillance.html#storylink=cpy


As compared to: