I should be able to resume posting shortly.

Video: Three Natural Laws of Security is currently unavailable. Seeking new hosting site.


Video included

It's hard to see, but the shooter appears to be a guy in a black shirt that is with the gang that goes diagonal across the street to head the other group off. The person of interest (wearing the white wife-beater and white long pants) appear to be retreating ...
Where do they think they're going with this ...

Video included

This is funny on so many levels (I especially like when a perp's g-bloomers fall down around his ankles in mid-crime) ...


It would be interesting to see whether not having the S/O was a cost effective decision or not. Of course, the most likely fundamental problem was that the vics weren't ready to go when the time came. Their not being ready may have been a function of the legal environment but still, there's something perverse about suing a business for ALSO not being ready to go ...
Interesting ...