I should be able to resume posting shortly.

Video: Three Natural Laws of Security is currently unavailable. Seeking new hosting site.


This is very cool ...


Good advice in general, but especially now ...

Video included

This is darned impressive from a 'good fortune' standpoint ...

Video included

This is one of the most enlightened LP ops I've seen lately. No one is getting hot. They're all just hooking on and acting as sources of drag as he tries to leave ... (I refer to this approach, when performed as a coordinated technique, as 'The Octopus'.) I bet by the time the cops arrives, the perp just wanted to lie down and take a nap.
Sounds about right ...
How ... uh ... unfortunate ...
It's way more intense when you have someone standing there saying it's so than when you have some cheesy note left tucked in the toilet paper dispenser or something ...


Out for work-space reconfiguration and Holiday

See you next Sunday evening ...


Unless there's someone there to intervene, the alarms and cameras just tell the baddies that there's something there worth protecting with alarms and cameras ...
Unless they can find a way to make them fall out of the sky, it sounds like it's a job for plain ole police work ...
They've been working on this for about a year now. I think the main issue may be that they really don't have anything they can do with the tens or hundreds of thousands of people living this way ...
Even I get [infected] sometimes ...


Seems unlikely to protect you from Google's eavesdropping ...
That's credible ...


If a traveler doesn't have the wherewithal to interfere with a flight, where they're going, for how long and their purpose are totally irrelevant as are there intentions or any other consideration.

Video included - but you may wish you hadn't watched

This is really, really messed up ...


 Hmmm ... troubling ...
You would think that Democrats would be leery about trying to undo this even under the guise of cost-cutting. No one is going to buy that as the reason for it.
INL is probably a good place for this work to be done. They have a long history of being at the forefront of high-tech matters ...

Video included

You should have your valuables in your front pockets or secured inside your bag if you're going to be in crowds ...



Sounds like a solid program ... 
Interesting ... but your mileage may vary ...
The story says that the Security dude is responsible for paying 60% of the $1.8M. Either he's one highly paid Security Guard or their going to have a really hard time collecting that part of it ...


This certainly lends confidence ...
This sounds like one of those things where someone thought they were doing someone a favor without bothering to ask whether it would be construed that way if it were done to them ...


Cool pic

HMS Anson ...


Most religions seem to have canonical support for the killing of non-believers (or folks who have the misfortune of being in the way at an inconvenient time) but the difference between churchy neighbors and tangos is that the tangos practice or encourage the practice of harming others without first-order necessity such as self defense or counter-injustice ... of course, as we learned from Reagan - Trust, but verify!


Some cool abandoned sub pics ...

Video included

This looks to me like the group (or at least the two guys that were all lovey-dovey) became self-conscious of their own behavior because Vic #1 wasn't responding to them in what they considered to be the 'expected' way and walked out, and then after they walked out, someone in the group said something like "Are you going to let him get away with that" and Perp #1, in his intoxicated state, couldn't resist going back and sucker-punching Vic #1.
People are just barely starting to think about Security on their PCs ...


Video included

It's hard to see, but the shooter appears to be a guy in a black shirt that is with the gang that goes diagonal across the street to head the other group off. The person of interest (wearing the white wife-beater and white long pants) appear to be retreating ...
Where do they think they're going with this ...

Video included

This is funny on so many levels (I especially like when a perp's g-bloomers fall down around his ankles in mid-crime) ...


It would be interesting to see whether not having the S/O was a cost effective decision or not. Of course, the most likely fundamental problem was that the vics weren't ready to go when the time came. Their not being ready may have been a function of the legal environment but still, there's something perverse about suing a business for ALSO not being ready to go ...
Interesting ...