I should be able to resume posting shortly.

Video: Three Natural Laws of Security is currently unavailable. Seeking new hosting site.


The lady in the video and the posters pledging retribution are the same in that they both seek after creatures that they can justify (to themselves) wreaking vengeance on. The cat wasn't the cause of the ladies desire to harm, nor is the lady the source of the posters desire to harm. The desire to harm is already present, and is being held in check while waiting for an acceptable (justifiable in their own mind) target.


Hmmm ...
Mr. Bauer considers briefly and then discards the one valid solution, choosing instead to favor the increase of force projection. Finance and support for the baddies increases, in this case, in direct proportion to the force projected against them. This is due to the risk premium attending prohibition of any near-perfectly price-inelastic good such as most recreational drugs, firearms and the womb. Imagine how powerful an insulin supply cartel would become, virtually overnight, if insulin were suddenly prohibited. Clearly, the argument can be made that insulin is an absolute necessity to the people that depend on it, but this ignores the fact that the other items behave economically as though they are the exact same sort of absolute necessity.


... mug punter ... ???

Las Vegas Rio Casino Security Tries to take my camera NWO Security Guard (slyt)

One of the hardest things to master is the ability to escalate to the point of scaring someone out of whatever stupid thing they were getting ready to do and then, while still more or less 'in the shit', de-escalate back down to saying please and so forth. I don't know this guy, but by having the self-discipline to back someone off and then back down he managed to avoid having a really unfortunate '15 minutes'. I imagine his associates feel a fair amount of comfort whenever they realize he has arrived on-scene ...
Some interesting points ... although I find it disturbing that anyone should have to defend this position ...
Despite looking kinda wimpy, it's probably a mistake to underestimate the chaos that could be generated with a couple of these ...


Very interesting ...

(via Bruce Scheier)
The problem is that governments actually want to compromise your security to make their snooping into your business easier with the idea of appearing competent by going for the low-hanging fruit rather than actually protecting the country. That isn't quite the same as balancing privacy with national security. It's more like compromising citizen security for government job security. Never forget that privacy (invisibility) is one of two metrics of your security, and when it gets reduced, your security is being reduced.


It's been quite awhile since I've used a Mac, but being able to encrypt individual folders is a necessity ...