Security ... think about it!
They were originally Thais rallying around Thailand's previous prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his political party, who were ousted in a coup during 2006. The UDD is mostly made up of lower-income Thais from both the up-country provinces outside of Bangkok and Bangkok itself. Thaksin's previous sweep to power was the result of the substantial attention he paid to developing and meeting the needs of Thailand's oft-forgotten provinces. Yet despite the red's mostly low-income origins, make no mistake of the fact that they are backed by wealthy business and military interests centering around Thaksin's political party which has reincarnated itself as 'Peu Thai', which can be translated as 'For Thais/Thailand'.
And here's the curve ball where the entire situation goes topsy-turvy... on the April 10th military crackdown, which we showed in a previous video from Thai-FAQ, and which resulted in 25 deaths including soldiers, one pro-government faction of the military, suffered substantial casualties to its officer ranks.... some which may have been inflicted by mysterious black-clad and highly trained rogue fighters who seemed to come out of nowhere.