Security ... think about it!
Yes, but your actions would have the opposite effect. Most CSU students, and all but one of their representatives, don’t want the ban for one basic reason: They don’t want to become sitting ducks for violent criminals. They don’t want to become the next victims, such as those at Virginia Tech, watching helplessly as some psychopath shoots up a university, unimpeded for hours, in direct violation of a gun ban. They don’t care much about left wing or right wing ideology. They just want to be safe. Nearly ever mass shooting in this country has occurred in a gun-free zone, such as the one CSU’s governing board plans to create next month with the blessing of faculty and administration. That’s because maniacs on suicidal mass murder missions have amazingly dismissive attitudes toward gun bans. They do respect the bans, they just don’t obey them. They respect the fact these gun bans guarantee them thousands of defenseless human targets who can’t shoot back. Rapists and deranged stalkers also have a fondness for campus gun bans. Do the math: Law abiding people obey gun bans; dangerous criminals do not.