Security ... think about it!
There is a clear security lapse at our airports. Any major incident at the airport is a calamity waiting to happen. There are too many unidentified men running after passengers pleading to provide one services or the other ranging from changing money, providing chauffeur services and even recharge card sellers at very sensitive places. And to think these people do not have any form of tags or identity on them is a cause for worry. There has been report of men disguise as protocol officers and who were being given access to the airport to greet passengers. They display passengers' names on placards to trick them into their cars, where they can fall prey to muggings. The airport in Lagos and others across Nigeria need major overhaul. The current arrangement at our airport is a huge joke and if it continues this way, a major disaster can occur in its premises. The excuse given by Dr Harold Demuren, the Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) that even the bomber could not be detected at the Amsterdam Schipol is lame.