Security ... think about it!
Let's start with the basics. How do you project information about yourself to others in the normal course of your day? At your residence, is your mailbox or front door adorned with your family's name? When you discard mail or files, do you toss the paper intact into the trash and recycling bin? When you make a purchase at a store, when the clerk requests your phone number, do you provide it? What data do you include in application forms filed for your children's activities? If you let a valet park your car, what data is available for perusal in the glove compartment? If your billfold should drop from your pocket or bag, what data has just gone missing? Take a moment and reflect at the variety and volume of actions and interactions in your daily life that involve your personal data. Which actions result in allowing unencumbered access to your data by those to whom you haven't granted explicit permission?