Security ... think about it!
When the two groups met on the street, things turned ugly. The PA discovered that, if the CINN won 'the debate', sunlight would be blocked, and solar power would be doomed. Conversely, the CINN discovered that, if the PA won, their hopes for an orbital parasol would be out the window. Amid howls and screams of 'liar', 'cretin', 'energy whore', 'denialist', 'scum', 'freak', and, inexplicably, 'polar bear', they fell upon each other in an orgy of unsurpassed violence. Arterial blood flew in crimson arcs through the wintry air, with a background of grunts and groans, as the marchers struggled to reach each others' vitals with improvised weapons, or even bare hands, punctuated by the occasional ululating scream that so often precedes a violent death.