The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is not saying which train will include the cameras, or what line it will be on. But the agency wants to see whether the cameras can help deter crime and aid officials in emergencies.
I think they already know that they won't deter crime and that they will only aid officials to the detriment of the rest of us, so maybe they're just seeing if they can get away with it...
During an intelligence briefing Monday at the U.S. Coast Guard's Puget Sound Joint Harbor Operations Center, which is in Seattle, Ms. Napolitano pressed officials from participating agencies to name a tangible benefit from the fusion centers in terms of disrupting a specific plot, which they were unable to do. But in an interview later, she said she believes the centers are valuable and will push plans to get intelligence professionals from Washington working at all the sites.
We need to get all this out of the news and establish a normalcy that will still be effective 5-10-15 years from now, because they're not going to go for it when we are obviously ready for them (or at least still have them in mind). One approach might be to fill line-level DHS jobs with high-school graduates that do some intense training for a few months, serve for four years while getting DHS-paid college tuition, and then resume their normal lives. Over time, we get security service from young, motivated people who then go out into the normal world, which results in a higher level of security-awareness in the general citizenry.
Goodwin said Heath had set up traps with the most productive camera placed in such a way as to snare out-of-town visitors as they enter the city on route 79. The camera is difficult to see on a curve where the speed limit suddenly drops from 50 MPH to 35. She believes this has already had a negative impact on the city. “Many businesses are seeing fewer customers in their stores and less traffic on 79 due to the cameras,” Goodwin said. “Customers have called and told businesses they will not be back unless the cameras come down. We believe the voters will come out and support the issue to ban the cameras.”
While they're at it, they may want to look at replacing the weasels that bought into the system to begin with ...
While victims face multiple offenders in only about 24% of all violent crimes, [93] the victims in our sample who used guns faced multiple offenders in 53% of the incidents. [94] This mirrors the observation that criminals who use guns are also more likely than unarmed criminals to face multiple victims. [95] A gun allows either criminals or victims to handle a larger number of adversaries. Many victims facing multiple offenders probably would not resist at all if they were without a gun or some other weapon. Another possible interpretation is that some victims will resort to a defensive measure as serious as wielding a gun only if they face the most desperate circumstances. Again, this finding contradicts a view that gun defenders face easier circumstances than other crime victims.Lots of interesting, peer-reviewed facts ...
(via Examiner.com)
“When the police arrived and arrested Colin, I was gobsmacked. It was heartbreaking to see him handcuffed and carted off like a common criminal – he is a hardworking, honest family man. “Any action taken by my husband was as a result of a desire to protect his family and loved ones, and to defend his property.”
Hmmm ... gobsmacked ...
But in an interview with a German Sunday newspaper it was reported he 'gets quite angry' if it is suggested he has become rich through a horror-virus, the fear of which is gripping the world. 'No person ever said on his death bed: I only wish I had earned more money in my life,' he said. 'When it gets to the end one wants to look back and have the feeling that one was important in the lives of others, perhaps to have changed them positively.'I recommend being damn glad that cash is the motivation that it is ...
14. These phrases: “right of the people peaceably to assemble,” “right of the people to be secure in their homes,” “enumerations herein of certain rights shall not be construed to disparage others retained by the people,” and “The powers not delegated herein are reserved to the states respectively, and to the people” all refer to individuals, but “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” refers to the state.
I've had this list up before, but it's worth repeating ...
In January, researchers of the INT applied for a patent of a technology which allows the horns of parked cars to be activated in case of disaster. The technology is based on the eCall emergency system, which new cars are going to be equipped with as from September 2010. The eCall system was developed at the initiative of the EU Commission to help reduce the number of road traffic fatalities. It consists of a GPS sensor and a mobile phone component, which is activated only in case of an accident (i.e. when the airbags are triggered) and which can transmit data (e.g. accident time, coordinates and driving direction of the vehicle) to an emergency call center.Hmmm ... can't think of any way for this to be misused ...
Filthy lucre ...
Every time I write something about the incredible feat of putting someone on the Moon, as happened almost exactly 40 years ago, there is an inevitable chorus of criticism - much of it justified - about how the huge sums of taxpayers' money involved rendered the project beyond the pale, even if the critics grudgingly accept what a great adventure the whole thing was. It has to be accepted that by "crowding out" private space initiatives in the way they did, government agencies both in the US, former USSR and elsewhere have arguably retarded more promising, long-term space ventures that might have got off the ground. The existence of large, politically directed agencies like Nasa do not help innovation, either. Consider how quickly the aircraft design process occured from the Wright Brothers and through to the jet age, and then compare the rate of progress of space flight over the past 40 years. It is not a flattering comparison. So this is precisely why Dale Amon is so right to comment on stuff like this.I really like that I was able to use 'lucre' in a title ... thanks to Samizdata.net ...
The rules of these battles are simple and sparse. Eye-gouging, groin shots, biting, head-to-head contact, and other primitive techniques are disallowed. Common offensive maneuvres are kicks, punches, knees, elbows, takedowns, and throws. Through these techniques, fighters often shift from standing and trading strikes to grappling on the ground.
I've been meaning to mention this for awhile, now. This particular practice of MA is supposed to be the most realistic, but keep in mind that when a competitor 'shoots in' all of his opponents buddies don't rush in and start stomping on the back of his neck and kicking his kidneys the way they do in real life! Know what to do on the ground, but don't ever go there voluntarily unless your own associates are more numerous and of superior quality to those of your opponent ...
The power to protect the nation, said Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist, "ought to exist without limitation," because "it is impossible to foresee or define the extent and variety of national exigencies, or the correspondent extent & variety of the means which may be necessary to satisfy them." To limit the president's constitutional power to protect the nation from foreign threats is simply foolhardy. Hamilton observed that "decision, activity, secrecy, and dispatch will generally characterize the proceedings of one man, in a much more eminent degree, than the proceedings of any greater number." "Energy in the executive," he reiterated, "is essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks."
My suspicion is that if they had said "Hey, we were looking everywhere but if it didn't lead to actual terror cells we simply forgot it" instead of "Oh, were only doing it for national security but if we find evidence of people doing other crimes we're referring it to the regular prosecutors" it probably would have been OK. Also, it strikes me as valid as an exception for about six months until you can get up to speed. After five or six years, your just taking advantage ...
As of today, you can carry a gun into a bar or restaurant in Tennessee -- that is, those which don't decide on their own to ban them. And I predict it won't take long for state legislators to regret passing that law. Nearly every weekend I see police reports on fights in bars. And I'll admit that, in all honesty, there probably have been unseen guns on bar customers for years. But with guns legally allowed, watch out for gunfire to start erupting. Guns, alcohol and anger don't mix well.It's weird how these predictions never come to pass. I'd think the folks making them would get tired of being wrong all the time ...
Determining the launching State for each of more than 19,000 objects in orbit currently being tracked is an extremely daunting task. The US military tackles this through a process of “cradle to grave” surveillance, meaning that they attempt to maintain an orbital history of an object from the moment it is launched to the moment it re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere. It should be noted that this does not mean every object is continuously tracked all the time: the technique employed is one of periodic spot checks to determine an object’s position at various points.Hmmm ... crunchy, but interesting. Horrifying pic at the top, too!
Arizonans with concealed weapons permits will be allowed to take a handgun into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol under a bill signed Monday by Gov. Jan Brewer.
I think the Alaska/Vermont model is the only way to go, but congrats to our AZ brethren (and sistren) anyway ...
“A Muslim cannot be a terrorist and a terrorist cannot be a Muslim, because the inhuman methods used by terrorist are not in accord with what Islam teaches,” Jilani said.There isn't a great deal of info in this post, but I think that if there is Islamic canon that refutes terrorism, getting it widely disseminated is probably the most effective long term solution to the Islamic terrorism problem. Drive it home that Muslims DO NOT serve Allah by blowing up babies ...
Do not let the hedges, shrubs, trees and bushes that are near the windows of your property to become overgrown, as this can provide a burglar with a convenient hiding place on your property, making it more likely that they will target your home.I would change this one to replace them with large rosebushes (the baddies really hate getting all cut up during burglaries), but the rest of the ideas sound good ...
No one was killed but one woman who described the chaos said she's lost feeling in much of her leg as a result of the bullet that passed through her knee that day. Carrie Zerivica said she has filed suit against New York New York for what she calls lax security there.I wonder what her qualifications are for judging the security ...
A 13-year-old who celebrated the Fourth of July by tossing lit firecrackers into two local establishments could face terrorism charges for his actions. Jennings Police Det. Steve Gauthier said two people were transported to a local hospital as a result of the pranks.
I don't even know where to start on this one ...
I don't even know where to start on this one ...
It is probably worth considering the possibility that these parents behave irresponsibly specifically because they go through life not having to worry about catching an incoming round as a result of their irresponsible behavior. It has long been known that an armed society is a polite society. Anyone that grew up in places where every pickup had a loaded rifle rack in the back window will confirm that.
Investigators carried liquid explosives and low-yield detonators -- materials investigators note are not normally carried into federal buildings. The GAO said security concerns prevent it from revealing the exact locations or cities of the affected facilities, but that eight of them were government owned, while two were leased. They included offices of a U.S. senator and House member, as well as offices for the departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State, the GAO reported. In one instance, the GAO obtained a building security tape showing an investigator walking through a security checkpoint with bomb making materials.
Usually, this is a result of having exceptions to policies. Once there is an exception, exceptions become perks; and, at that point, you might as well toss the security policies all together because every time a policy enforcer challenges someone's right to an exception the enforcer will inevitably be challenging someone well up in the pecking order and will be penalized accordingly. Why risk enforcing the policy at the risk of losing your job? If you want effective security, don't allow exceptions.
Retail-shelf-friendly options, from simple front-door video intercom kits to IP-networked, wireless multi-camera systems, are gradually earning real estate in some CE chains and on many of the big-box stores' e-tailing sites. The intended audience: do-it-yourself consumers and small-business owners who are looking for low-cost alternatives to custom installations, according to multiple suppliers. There are currently a number of options on the market at price points less than $500.There are some very reasonably priced kits out there, but don't overestimate the effect that it will have on your security ...
The Firearm Blog highlights a new California-legal AR-15 made by Daniel Defense. It has a magazine release that can only be triggered by a bullet tip or similarly-shaped tool so that it does not violate California's "assault weapon" ban. While it's easy to make fun of re-engineering rifles to meet goofy legal standards, Daniel Defense deserves credit for supporting the gun culture in California. It's an uphill battle.
Gun is here ...
I tend to wonder exactly how much security is actually necessary. Supermax detainees are all still just flesh and bone so anything beyond basic security measures such as steel bars and cement walls in the basic lock-up configuration is likely intended to see how inhumane we can be without having to admit it rather than serving any useful security purpose.
TSSAA said it practices a zero tolerance policy on school grounds with weapons, and that extends to off-campus events like Spring Fling.No guns are allowed during the tournament.The city can vote to opt out of the new guns in parks law, but one Murfreesboro councilman said one yearly event shouldn't dictate all policy.
Maybe some pressure should be brought to bare on the TSSAA folks who, by adopting ANY zero tolerance policy, seem to be saying that they don't want to be called on to use judgment ...
Another type of home security camera is the wireless Internet camera. This camera can be placed anywhere in your home and sends images to the Internet and can be accessed anywhere with an Internet connection. You may have seen the news report about a woman in Florida who happened to check her home Internet camera from work only to discover that a group of men were invading her home and stealing her possessions. She was able to call the police while she was watching and watch the police arrest the thieves. This situation is precisely why homeowners need to have home security cameras.
Make sure that the internet-exposed parts are hard-encrypted so that ONLY you can access them ...
The biggest lie of all, though, is that these ccw holders are going to be shooting up bars and restaurants. What the anti-gunners won't tell you is that 39 other states have somecriminals who do so. Some states even allow permit holders to consume alcohol while they're carrying and yet still there are no problems. Lawful gun owners are responsible, trustworthy, and law abiding. It is the armed robbers, muggers, rapists, gang members, and killers that are the problem. The very people that armed citizens are wanting to defend themselves against. provision in their laws for citizens to be allowed to carry firearms into places that serve alcohol, and in not one of these states is it a problem. Lawfully armed citizens aren't the ones breaking the laws, it is the
Nevada has created new requirements for those seeking a Concealed Carry permit in their state. You must fire and qualify with the weapon you are going to carry in Nevada, but this is not true in Utah, so reciprocity between the states is no longer valid.Vermont and Alaska are certainly the American Heroes in this area of interest ...
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